Strong values and sharp capabilities are all part of the Venus team’s cosmic dNA...

Embed in the team through close collaboration.

Holistic approach with thoughtful optimism.

No one needs an outsider to waltz in and have opinions about what is going on in the trenches. That’s why we always start by emphasizing our place in the solar system of the team and immersing ourself in the timeline and processes of the work to date. We are partners and collaborators, not consultants. We are here to simplify, not complicate.

We are devoted to understanding the whole picture of your e-commerce business: inventory management, marketing, operations, finance, merchandise, and of course, your consumer. When we look at all pieces together, opportunities start to glow. Assessing the landscape of your business should be a positive experience that looks for solutions that make sense–we don’t stop with “what is wrong?” because we want to reach “what is possible?”

Identify the opportunity and maintain laser focus.

Stay humble. We are here to learn together.

Hitting a strategic opportunity is a booster rocket of energy for us. We set a chart with these strategic coordinates and won’t lose sight until they are flawlessly executed against. We aren’t distracted by space noise or meteor fields or even super massive black holes. Instead, we nimbly keep us on course.
Let’s redefine success as something that folks on all sides of the equation can feel proud and included. Success to us is scalable, thoughtful growth. Success to us is a partnership in which we have all grown, learned, and profited in more ways than one.